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Eventually, this will be a website, blog, podcast, YouTube channel, etc etc dedicated to anything and everything you have ever wanted to know about lambs, and sheep.

     Will be creating YouTube videos, and articles on this very soon.    

Although my website is still under construction, nevertheless, one of my videos (above) is ready to be made public.  I still want to do an introduction video about me, why I'm using the Bible translation I'm using, and I want to get the website going "all about lambs and sheep," and a few other videos, nevertheless, this one is ready.  Cheers.  Hope you enjoy the video.

You can subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking the link below, and of course, please do!  Thanks


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One Little Lamb, LLC

1121 E. Spring Creek Pkwy

Suite 110-302

Plano, TX 75074

Thanks to all for your support in contributions, subscribing to the channel, and liking the video if you did like the video.  Cheers!

Please go the Lord in prayer to petition for my Bible study presentations.  This will in FACT be the MOST EFFECTIVE thing you can do for me and my channel.  Cheers.

Regarding the 2020 Election Fraud/Coup...  


I will refine and reword these comments later, but right now I'm very busy, but wanted to post this comment...

       It is a really bad thing that is happening in America today. Our election is being stolen by what appears to be a rogue group of fascist extreme leftist socialist and communistic favoring very influential and powerful figures are trying to overthrow the United States in an apparent coup and they even have main stream media now proclaiming their blatant lies.  It appears to run deep to politicians benefiting from the Dominion software, Antifa, (what I've always said is a communistic front group), the main stream media, and rogue members of some governing agencies such as the FBI, CIA, Army, and other military commanders and others with high levels of security clearances, among others.

       Let me be clear:  Sorry to all my conservative friends out there, but while I would rather have Trump in office than Biden, I am NOT a Trump supporter.  I'm highly suspicious he too is a member of the "true deep state."  I've always said you can identify the true members of the deep state if they say nothing about or eliminating the fraud at the Federal Reserve, Inc. bank of New York.  Politicians who will not speak out against it, refuse to say we need an audit of the Federal Reserve, or continue with this ridiculous notion that we as a sovereign nation need to be borrowing money to print our money is the greatest fraud in not only American history, which is a very short period of time, but it's the greatest heist of financial gain in WORLD HISTORY.  And through exceptionally powerful financial influence, paying off politicians from the very beginning, and now dominating and controlling much of our daily commerce, they are exceptionally powerful and beyond financially rich.  Also, Trump hails the vaccine as the savior of the world, and the technology and openly publicly discussed plans exist TODAY to inject a vaccine in combination with a biochip that can track you via satellites, it can store all your personal information, and of course even how much money you have in the bank can be stored on this device among of course other things.  Is all of this a plan to enrage the liberal extremist faction that is aggressively pushing for a communistic state in the United States today.  What exactly is going to happen when Trump is declared the victor will spark domestic terror organizations like Antifa and Black Lives Matter organizations to burn down our cities.  

       I am very busy and have had little time to post videos, but i wanted to make this statement regarding the 2020 Election Fraud/Coup.  I support Trump being the president because he won.  There is also some hope that if they do not want him to be the president, that maybe there is some hope he is not actually a member of the true deep state.  Just a guy who desires to become rich through networking and contacts with big business and fortune 500 companies.

       But I want to make something very clear just because of some circumstances that I will explain later.  First of all, I'm ready to fight against this coup and will die for my country as necessary.  If Antifa and other domestic terror organizations come to "MY BUSINESS" or they come after me, I will NOT hesitate to defend myself with lethal force as necessary.  We are talking about self-defense for sure.  Give me liberty or give me death...  We Americans are NOT going to stand for this.  If they can steal this election, who will they put in office in four years??? Hugo Chavez??? (Don't say I know he is dead; the typical fate of all ruthless dictators throughout ALL of world history.)

    But let me make this VERY clear, that while what is happening in these states and usually more specifically cities that are complicit in this voter fraud, I can assure you the American people will NOT tolerate our election being stolen and WILL FIGHT BACK.  We will STAND AGAINST this tyranny, and they will NOT be able to get by with whatever they are up to.

       But let me be clear:  I have not and would NEVER and have never ever supported violence, or hurting anyone, or threats of violence or anything of this nature.  We here at One Little Lamb, DO NOT SUPPORT AND WILL NOT SUPPORT threats to ANYONE or governing authorities.  I do NOT support violence, or threats to any individual or entity.  I am 100% against threats and threats of violence, or of course the murder of anyone or individuals.  What I'm saying is if we have to defend ourselves, we will.  If THEY COME AFTER US, after Trump is declared the winner, I WILL DEFEND MYSELF.  And if we are being taken over by a communistic regime of some kind, the American people will stand against this.  I have spoken very forcefully about the coup that is transpiring, but let me be clear that while we WILL FIGHT against this apparent coup of our country, and we will not tolerate this stolen election, threats of violence or violence against anyone is something we do NOT stand for here at One Little Lamb.  We absolutely 100% do NOT stand for violence here at One Little Lamb.  As a Christian I desire peace, and frankly just want to go to the lake with my dog, but what is happening to our country right now is very bad. 

I discovered a murder! Very Shocking!!!

Okay, so as it turned out, I did not actually discover a murder.  You can see from the news report links that I posted in the YouTube description that what I found was the body of a man who apparently, or I guess the legal term is, "allegedly," put 5 bullets in his wife.  There was a 48 hour manhunt for this guy/"alleged murderer," until he was finally found.  

       It's my personal feeling this guy was trying to commit suicide.  He lived about 1.5 miles from the crash site, was familiar with the crash scene area, and you had to hit those woods and area at just the right spot to end up where he ended up.  There are trees and a forest like area on this ravine so he had to clear all of that, and there is a very strong sturdy car guard rail on the road and leading to that parking area where I was.  Also, to get up to that much speed was intentional because it's impossible to go around those curves near this area at the speed he was going.  He would have had to come around the curve slow enough to get to that point, then just punch on the accelerator and go between some guard rails, miss some huge trees, and essentially he flew down the ravine beside that trail where I was walking.  It seems almost impossible to land where he did.  How did he not hit a tree and get stopped by a tree or whatever???  I guess when you are determined, you can achieve what almost seems to be the impossible.

       Anyway, I'll put a few more details on this later.  But when the cops, detectives, and fire department descended on the scene very quickly, all they would confirm to me was yes, I discovered a body, yes, the person was dead, and yes, it was a murder.  That was how he worded it.  It's actually scarier to know I stumbled across the (alleged) murderer.  What if he had been still alive and decided I was going to be his last victim.  Anyway, as Steve Harvey would say, "And that's the rest of the story..."  Pretty shocking thing to stumble across...



April 24, 2020

It's all over social media!  Americans will return back to work by May 1st with or without government permission!!!  We must be together and united on this.  Let's all go back to work, I'm with them!!!!

       I'm fortunate I still have my job and income, but this cannot continue or my industry will slow, and our entire world's economy WILL COLLAPSE IF WE DO NOT GO BACK TO WORK!!!!!!!!

       This is ridiculous and out of control.  Americans must go back to work.  Unemployment has hit levels comparable to the great depression.  We have not had so many people unemployed by percentage since the Great Depression, and certainly more people are unemployed than AT ANY OTHER TIME IN WORLD HISTORY.  We cannot sustain ourselves this way...

American Hero From My Hometown of Dallas, TX!!!!  So Proud!!!!

Shelly Luther, You Are Our Hometown Hero!!!!  We will back you in this!!!

AMERICAN HERO!  Like Rosa Parks, "Nah."

One of the funniest things about this whole thing is her dba, (legal "Doing Business As") is, "Hot Mess Enterprises."  That is the name of her company dba, "Hot Mess Enterprises"!  That is absolutely wonderful!!!  I love this girl!!!!!!!

Great Campaign Below!!!!!! I pray they are successful!!! Yes, let's all really pray for the success of the below campaign, 


Benji wishes Christians a Merry Christmas


     Great YouTube channel to check out what's happening in Israel.  The focal point where God fulfills prophecy for all the world to know He is God.    The billions of people in the surrounding countries who greatly outnumber the Jews, and could by shear common sense squash them like a bug by their numbers alone, have yet to rid the world of Israel.  Why?  Well, as an example the Six Day War, (I like to think of it as the Seven Day War), Israel won!  Miracle!  And they continue to exist via the hand of God.  There can be no other explanation.  God is slapping them in their face.  Israel exist.  They don't want it.  But God does.  So end of story.  (And "the end" of the story is rapidly approaching...)  Repent of your sins, and worship the One and only obvious God, the God of the Bible, Jesus from Nazareth!

I fall down on my knees and worship the Lord God Almighty!!!  This is another classic video (below) of J.D. Farag delivering a classic sermon, as I was studying 1 Samuel at this juncture, where he hits it out of the park.  How does this sermon and exposition on 1 Samuel only have 4.2K views???  This is a classic sermon for all time.  Oh, but for a worthless sinner like me, that God would provide for just another day!!!!  Praise God!!!  Great sermon...  (I will be creating a tab for J.D. Farag and his teachings regarding the prophecy and end times.  It is certainly eye opening.  In this information age, none of us has any excuse not to learn the Truth of God's Word.  In the information age, truth is easier to find, (it NEVER changes), and the lies, the deceptions being thrown in our faces, is easy to deleaf.  The information age is making the scoffers look like fools.  Funny how God has a way of making those look foolish (stupid) who oppose His rightful authority...  Anyway, not to digress, check out J.D. Farag...  Great pastor!!!

"Windshield.  NOT rear view mirror." - Dave

Paraphrase: " "Windshield, (future), is where the grace is.  Rear view mirror is where the pain is.  Dave is absolutely right!  We are going to meditate this week on "the windshield," NOT the rear view mirror.  MEDITATE.

One Little Lamb, LLC stands with El Paso

Obviously, this does not have anything to do with "lambs and sheep," but wanted to comment on this nevertheless...

This is getting real wearing, but we also stand with Odessa law enforcement, and the innocent bystanders who have been murdered.

August 4, 2019

     We here at One Little Lamb condemn this madman shooter as a coward.  He is a criminal and thug, and we need to rid our country of crazy men like him.  It is scary he comes from Allen, TX, a suburb of Dallas where I am from.  I have been to El Paso on many occasions for my work.  It is scary to think that a place you frequent has been involved in a mass shooting.  It is very scary.  Further scary, he is from Dallas.  Allen is a suburb in the highly prized living neighborhood of Allen, TX in north Dallas.  It is very scary to think this guy has been living, breathing, and doing business in your very own neighborhood.

     Anyway, he is a coward, and does not represent anyone, and he hurt any cause to advance our nation to a higher level.  

     To the people of El Paso, Mexico, and to all the immigrants out there, our heartfelt sympathies to any family out there who may have lost dear loved ones.  We are sorry, and this crazed madman does not represent Texas, Americans, Dallasonians, or anyone.

     No one ever accomplishes anything murdering people.  What could you accomplish doing that???  He is a coward, and it is disturbing, scary, unusual, sad, and disgusting what he has done.

Regarding Odessa...

     No question, all this shooting around the country is wearing.  Are things going to get any better going forward?  I certainly do not agree with CBS, and other "main stream media," that the solution is we need to restrict gun sales.  We are ready now in this country to get back to a place where law abiding citizens can carry guns.  The perpetrators will not stop their shooting rampage to wait for law enforcement to arrive.  If everyone were carrying guns, the gunman would have been shot almost instantaneously.  We need good law abiding citizens, everyone specially trained, and armed to take out these cowards.

     Example where NO one is armed:  Gunman walks into a bank, and says, "Everybody on the ground, this is a stick up."  Everyone hits the deck in fear.

     Example where ALL law abiding citizens are armed:  Gunman walks into a bank, and says, "Everybody on the ground, this is a stick up."  Most everybody takes out their gun in confidence and say, "No, how about you stick 'em up."  

     We lost a 7 month old baby today b/c we don't have reasonable gun laws in our country, and people are way too reliant on a failing government for relief.  I love my country, but our failing government, especially in its state of democracy right now, will never be adequate nor capable of meeting the needs of the people.

     I believe in a republic.  We were founded as a republic.  So long as you are not hurting, harming, or bothering anybody, you have a right to do whatever it is you want to do.  Most certainly, you can carry a gun if you are an innocent, law abiding good citizen.  More than that, we now desperately in our country need good people to be carrying guns.

     The only time you can restrict a person's freedom and rights, is if then they go out and hurt or harm others.  Only then can you lose your rights.  But you don't take away the rights of ALL citizens, b/c a remote few cowards out there would go shooting at unarmed crowds of civilians.  

     We were founded as a republic.  So long as you are are not hurting, harming, or bothering anybody you have the right to start a business, drive a car, and do whatever it is you want to do.  As soon as you  endanger other people, or cause harm to another person, then your rights can be taken away from you.  But not a good law abiding citizen, which is most people.  Most people are good people.  There are not too many people that want to go shooting into open crowds of people.  MOST people want to pursue happiness, and we need to unleash your desire.  It's a fundamental law of nature:  Restrict a man's freedom, and you restrict the advancement of society as a whole.

     Example:  If you cannot cook a meal in your home, then go sell it for a profit to start a business, then we are NOT free.

       It is great that we can go out in the streets, and out in the world here in America, and if we keep ourselves out of trouble, we can remain safe, and we have our brave men and women in uniform to thank for that, police officers and military personnel.  But I am greatly disturbed at the direction of our country right now where basic freedoms are taken away from us.

       You are not free if you have to ask the government for permission to start a business such as if you want to prepare food and sell it.  This is the same as having to ask the Chinese government for permission to go into business.  We are essentially asking permission from our government to go in business, and you cannot even open up your business until you get the proper permits from the government that can take months, and thousands or more of dollars in permitting and legal bills.  This is not right.

       People throughout all of history and throughout all of time, when they needed money for survival cooked up a meal and sold it to people for provisions.  It is basic and necessary for the survival of yourself and mankind.  When you are not free to do something so basic and fundamental to human survival and production, we are NOT a FREE society.

       If we are not a free society, and we rely on government to solve our problems, we will not be a prosperous nation.  You are basically saying you rely upon politicians to solve all your problems, and make the rules.  The government cannot and has never produced anything.  The only way a government has money is if the people produced it, and gave it to the government.  The government, ANY government, takes, the people provide/give.

       The ONLY way to have a successful flourishing nation ANYWHERE in ANY TIME PERIOD, is a government with checks and balances, limited rule by those in power, and the mindset of law enforcement that they are here to serve and protect the people, not hinder their ability to freedom.  As soon as you hinder freedom, you constrict, and kill any chances for an innovative flourishing nation.  Having representatives of the people is good, but you MUST have checks and balances, limited power by those who rule, and FREEDOM for all mankind!!!  You most certainly would not have blanket immunity for prosecutors which is something our government has approved in the last several decades.  

       When the government decides what you can and cannot do, strips you of your freedoms, and decides for you what you can or cannot do, we will fail as a nation.  It is a fundamental law: restrict the freedom of the people and you choke the greatest potential for a nation to prosper.  It is evidenced by the fact that China, Russia, and other middle eastern nations are becoming stronger and now more powerful than the United States.  Because we are a democracy instead of the republic with freedoms like we were founded.

       It is a basic fundamental law of nature and physics.  Just as gravity works by a natural observable law of nature.  When the people are not free, you constrict, and hinder the ability of your nation to prosper.

(A Footnote:  Just because I believe we were founded as a republic, does not mean I do not follow current law.  I have a driver's license, and do all the things our democratic government requires of me.  I just don't agree with it.

       Also, unfortunately, our country is not perfect.  EVERYONE should have been given these rights when we were founded.  I certainly do not believe in any human being considered "less of a human," than someone else, in slavery, or less rights afforded to one gender over another.  This was a mistake of the founding of our country.  It's awkward for sure to talk about, but MOST people throughout ALL of history, including during the time of slavery, disagree with slavery.  A small group of powerful very wealthy individuals caused that, and it is something we need to be wary of today also.  Too much power in the hands of a few, will result in evil.  We need checks and balances, power limited by those who rule and government, and freedom for ALL people.  Then we will be a powerful flourishing nation, just as we became the most powerful nation in the world because man was given a taste of freedom.  Even to this day, to speak out against it is tough.  We are still the most powerful nation in the world, but we are losing that grip.  The main culprit is we are NOT free, our ability and incentive to innovate to flourish is diminishing, and the principle and primary reason for our failing is, we are a democracy.

       In a democracy, majority rules.  Which means your rights can be taken away from you depending on the liberal or conservative faction in office.  In a republic, it does not matter who holds the majority, as a human you have a RIGHT to FREEDOM, and you can do whatever you want to do, so long as you are not hurting, harming, or bothering anyone else.)

March 25th 2019 Regarding the brutal assault of L'Daijohnique Lee, a young lady who was viciously beaten by a man in downtown Dallas...


(Again, this does not have to do with "lambs and sheep," but wanted to make a comment on this.)

Here at OneLittleLamb, I would like to express my deepest sympathies, prayers, and concerns for the nice young lady who was viciously beaten in a senseless act by a coward in our beloved downtown Dallas hometown.  This man does not represent ANY Dallasonians whose culture and hospitality is the care to hospitality of all lovely ladies in our beautiful community.  We open doors, we allow our fine ladies to go first, and we care for and take care to ensure every woman gets home safely every single night.  We condemn him as a coward, and hope that the only justice for this man is many years behind bars.  There is NOTHING that warrants the rise of this kind of senseless attack on ANY casual night on the town.  It is a sad day in our country, and sad time in this world, when something like this could possibly break the news.  I'm outraged, and astonished.  

     L'Daijohnique, on behalf of ALL Dallasonians, we are sorry for what has happened to you, and we pray for swift, deliberate, and harsh justice for the man who deserves no less than the guillotine. Oh to bring back those days.  This is "unnecessary brute force" in the eyes of every single jury trial that could ever be presented.  Get this man in front a jury, and he doesn't see the light of day except from behind his jail cell for a very long time.  Who are the weak scared prosecutors who can't bring this man to trial.  This man goes before a jury, and he gets 1 hour of exercise once per day for several years to come.

      It reminds me of the senseless murder of Sandor Szabo at the hands of Jamill Jones in a mad fit of demonic rage on his fellow neighbor outside a bar in New York City. What have we become FOR THIS to be a headline, and for justice to be weak and non-existent.  The further far more outrage is this man is walking free on the streets of the DFW Metroplex on misdemeanor charges.  Our justice system is as much the coward as this crazed madman.  Folks, hide your kids, watch your daughters, and beware while this man is still loose on our streets.  Take extreme caution!

     Update on the story:  So you can google it just like anybody else, there is a little more to the story, but the above is my only comment on the story.

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